View of the Giza Pyramid Complex - click for foreword

The Giza Pyramid Complex incorporates a vanishing point in its design.
by Stephen Goodfellow
Go directly to John Legon's computations


  1. The vanishing point is exactly 1000 cubits southwards from the theoretical axial line that passes through the Sphinx.
  2. The two circles intersect exactly 11000 cubits northwards from the centre of the large circle.
  3. The large circle was exactly 20 times the diameter of the small circle.
  4. The small circle circumference is also just 10 times the distance northwards from the centre of the circle to the Vanishing Point.
  5. The above dimension is just 25 times the base-side of the Great Pyramid of 440 cubits.
  6. The intersection is ten times the initial dimension of 1100 cubits from the north side of the Great Pyramid to the south side of the Second Pyramid.
  7. The centre of the large circle is also 13060 cubits south from the north side of the Great Pyramid, and 12620 cubits southwards from the south side of the Great Pyramid; the former being exactly 20 times the east-west distance of 653 cubits between the east sides of the Second and Great Pyramids, while the latter is just 20 times the north-south distance of 631 cubits between the south sides of the Second and Third Pyramids.
  8. The smaller circle radius is 2742 cubits and its centre is 2740.27 cubits east from the vanishing point, these dimensions being about ten times the height of the Second Pyramid of 274 cubits.
  9. The builders used multiples of 10,000 cubits for Large measurements.
  10. These large scale measurements express the 'classic' value for pi of 22/7
  11. The Vanishing point rests exactly on a bowed wall, a wall that describes a third circle, with a radius of 4800 cubits.

* Calculations are made by John Legon, based upon Flinders Petrie's survey


Below: John Legon's calculations super-imposed on satellite images