Dear Stephen, Many thanks for your letter and enclosures. I think your paintings are great. They come over really well on my projector and I love the auto-biographical detail which you've put into them. Since I do my own colour printing from negative film, I can appreciate your Micro-pointillist technique as a translation of the grain in colour photographs, which of course produce the whole range of hues by mixing the secondary colours yellow, cyan and magenta; and I've often thought that if I took up painting again (I used to dabble a bit many years ago), I would try mixing just these three colours plus white. However, I know I could never obtain the vivid effect that you have achieved in your work. was also quite intrigued by your pamphlet on the GRAVAC Sun, and having myself taken a degree in Applied Physics I might be expected to have quite a few comments to make about the technical aspects of what you are proposing. But since the physical nature of the problem is probably not as important to you as some vision of the truth which is independent of anything that scientists can observe and measure - not to mention the laws of physics! - you may find some difficulty in persuading other people who happen not to share your vision, that you have a valid case. Still, I thought the art-work was nice... Anyhow, getting back to the Giza Pyramids, you are quite welcome to show my findings to American Egyptologists and so on, but you can be fairly sure that those kindly folk at the Met. will respond by telling you that any dimensional relationships between the Giza Pyramids are simply out of the question! For my part, our recent correspondence has prompted me to take a fresh look at the various walls surrounding the Third Pyramid, with the result that I am now fairly certain that the diverging line of the southern boundary wall must have been the outcome of a deliberate intention by the builders, most probably to encompass your vanishing point within the boundary. These walls were all surveyed more than a hundred years ago by Flinders Petrie, who was
also puzzled by the line of the southern wall and wrote: "it is impossible to suppose
its skew and bowing line to have been laid out along with the very regular lines of the
other parts." Yet this wall is of the same construction, and its curvature must have
been produced by a deliberate effort of the builders - so I think it must definitely have
had a special significance. Although initially I had thought that the location of the
vanishing point so close to the boundary wall almost ruled out the possibility of anything
being found there, I've recently come to take the opposite view. The reason is that one of
the most famous discoveries at Giza was made in a very similar situation beneath the
southern boundary wall of the Great Pyramid. This wall was much the same in character as
the southern wall of the Third Pyramid, and was built directly over the top of the
roofing-beams which covered the pit in which was stored the fabulous Cheop's boat. So it
seems that when the builders at Giza wanted to conceal something in the rock with complete
security, they built a wall right over the top! To answer your question concerning the other circles that pass through the corners of the three Pyramids, I have now stuffed the data into my computer - which promptly threw back the results that you can see on the enclosed sheet. I haven't given the figures much thought as yet, as there was but little the builders could do to control these inner circles once the enclosing circles - and all the other dimensions of the plan - had been determined. The same applies to apex circle, although here the height of each Pyramid was an independent factor which could be varied to some extent. However, my calculations at present show that this apex circle lies in a plane which is tilted at an angle of some 41.57 degrees to the horizontal, the centre being about one kilometre below ground-level, while the eccentricity of the circle when viewed from above is about 0.144. If your cardboard pyramids in "Cosm" are for real, then you might be able to get some feeling for this circle. The centres of all the circles, incidentally, fall not in the desert but in the Valley somewhere in the modern suburbs of Giza, but I have not as yet plotted out the positions to check for alignments and so on. Echo-sounding techniques and resistivity measurements have, by the way, been used at Giza, and with some interesting results. that's about it. I sent a short letter to Loury Burgess but perhaps gave him little reason to reply, as I haven't heard from him yet. But I shall look forward to hearing from you about the outcome of your letters to the Brooklyn and Metropolitan Museums - assuming of course that you get a response! The concept of a plan underlying the Giza Pyramids seems to be too difficult for Egyptologists to comprehend - but sooner or later they will have to face up to the fact that they really know nothing about the construction of the Giza Pyramids...
Circle A through S.E.corners Circle F through N.W.corners Circle B through N.E.corners Circle E through S.w.corners Circle C through Centres in horizontal plane Circles A and F intersect at: Circles A and C intersect at: Circles F and C intersect at: Circles B and E intersect at: Circles A and B intersect at: Circles A and E intersect at: Circles F and B intersect at: Circles F and E intersect at: CIRCLES OF GIZA PYRAMIDS IN CUBITS OF 52.375 CM. J.LEGON 5/87