La Fortaleza Santa
Barbara, Trujillo, Colon
Looking North; Main Gate.
Trujillo was founded in 1525 and remained the capital
of the colonial province of Honduras for 12 years. During
this time, it was used as a port to ferry out the gold
and silver from the interior and send it on it's way to
Geographically, Trujillo was a bad choice, because the
Bay Islands afforded the perfect refuge for Van Horn,
Morgan and a plethora of other pirates who wished to try
their luck at plundering Honduran gold. Trujillo was
attacked repeatedly and the bay was the the scene of
several great sea battles.
West; The battlements.
As a defense against the pirates, a succession of forts
were built to stave off attack, but eventually the
buccaneers succeeded in killing the goose that laid the
golden egg; Dutch pirates sacked and torched the town in
1643 and Trujillo was laid waste for one hundred and
forty four years before resettlement.