Hull Regional College
of Art 1972-74
- November 13th,
2006 - New
Forum in place.
- April 24th,
2006 - Due to spammers, I have shut down the discussion for
an indefinite period.
- January 23rd, 2005 -
Old pictures found - Amanda Burton, Alex Phillips and
Stephen Goodfellow
- May 6th, 2004 - Also
from David Osborne - Amanda Burton -
- May 6th, 2004 -
David Osborne
visits John Grey
- October 22nd, 2003 -
Our listserver is launched:
use address and send to everyone on list.
- Febuary 10th
2003 -
Hull School of Art & Design
threatened with closure!
- September 19th, 2002 -
recent pic, Stephen
- August 5, 2002 - John
Parks Makes his debut (Graduated 1973) See
discussion for his comments
- June 21,
2002 - Stephen
Longworth checks in!
- Marianne
Fenton checks in - See discussion
- September
2001, Newly discovered picture of John
Grey and David Osborne
- September
2001, John Grey is
- August
2001, Nick
Grant comes on board!
- August, 2001 - David
Osborne visits Stephen
- March, 2001 - Major, major update
of site - found a heap of pictures and scanned them
Check out the site.
- Mary Routh's email address updated
- David Osborne checks in! - airborn@netvigator.com
More information...
- John &
Val Weston now online.
You can reach John & Val at johnweston@kitv.co.uk
Yes, it's yer ol' Alma Mater!
Fresh from my Foundation
Course in East Ham, I stumbled away from Hull station and spent my
first night in Hull in an abandoned building. At that moment, I knew
this was going to be interesting.
Yes, we used to go to Art College here in the damp wastes of
North East England. Huddled in our tiny North Humberside
bedsits, we made our way to the Craven steet, Anlaby Road Annex, or Morpeth Street Annex, or scurried down to the central
building of Hull Regional College of Art for our history
We made music, we made art, we argued. When the
last orders were called, the most common expression to
fellow artists of the opposite sex at "The Polar
Bear" or "The Nags Head" would be:
lahk te cum back te mah place fo' e cuppa coffee?"
In 1998 there was a class reunion;
Celebrating in Hull; Mary Routh,
Stephen Goodfellow, Vall Lloyd,
John Weston, and Derek Crouch - we got together for a
wonderful evening of reminiscing, food, music and
alcohol, the latter being downed in copious amounts by
Mary & Derek (Does nothing ever change!?) Not that I should be
throwing stones - I got pretty snockered myself.
John and Val - who hosted the event - have been married many years, have two kids
and live in Hull.
Divorced and now living with a lovely
woman named Bergitte Derek Crouch has two boys and lives
'round the corner from John and Val.
Mary - after being told she'd not conceive - issued forth a daughter who's duties will
eventually include keeping Mary in the style she'd like
to be accustomed in her declining years.
Stephen, on his second
marriage, exists in Detroit scraping a living as an artist.
And the instructors Harold
Hurrell, and Michael Baldwin who tortured us with their
messianic visions of art, in the form of "Art
Language"- where are they?
And other instructors - David Sweet, Hamish Crowe and
all that lot...(Please name the others if you can
remember and let them know about the upcoming event).
In the ensuing discussions, the idea of a real reunion
was bantered about; no actual plans were made, but it was
agreed that we'd put up this page to see if there were
enough old classmates out there who'd get in touch. If
so, we agreed to make the effort. We're looking to see if
we can have the reunion in 2000 or 2001...if anyone is
left alive.
Therefore, if you are a fellow victim, or one of the
those unfortunate enough to find yourselves in the years
above or below us, get in touch - either by email - or if
you don't have email, use the discussion
group on this site to post a message.
So far, Simon
Lewis who was a lecturer at Hull College of Art
1975-81 has checked in. As more and more of you get on
the Net and Web, I expect to see this site grow.
If you're one of us, send a photograph of yourself and
others (contemporary or historic) and let us know how to
get in touch with you (or others); I'll place your image
and info on this site. You can attach it to an email,
send a URL or even use snail mail:
