Hull Regional College of Art; 1971-74
David Osborne

Oz sayz, "...I remember that first-year girl, a real thin-lipped girl with a middle-class concept of the niceities of art college. And she ends up jiving with me, looking like Keith Richards on a bad hair day!..."

David  left for Hong Kong, and has been there ever-since. He says that Hong Kong is such a small place, you tend to travel a lot so it rarely gets boring. He married a Chinese girl in 1978, divorced in 1982. Married a Philippine-American girl in 1996 (or 7), had their first child in 1998 and our second in 2000. He's extremely happy with his wife and children. David has his own company, a small environmental-graphic design firm. He says,  "...I  consider graphic designers to be whores, but at least I get to play with pictures. I am still passionate about art; I am finding all (or most) of the excitement of artistic exploration in my poetry and my songwriting, and am just in a transitional period mentally regarding values in life...

[in a nutshell; I was always anti-making-of-money. After a few years in HK I somehow slipped into the 'making-money-is-a-purpose-of-life'. I have recently reassessed my needs and my passions, and am again looking towards more worth-while pursuits where the primary motivation is not money].."

David's wife's family lives in Los Angeles, so they go there as often as time and money will allow. Every time David visits he plays at open mic sessions in bars and coffee shops. He plays music,  reads poems. He had a feature spot this Christmas (2000) in Santa Monica, a whole half-hour. He says, "...It went down well, though I suspect a good deal was because of my quirky accent..."

David sends some pix, in no particular order:

Cameron Kyle and Kellan Ferguson (whom we call 'Mo' - that's a long story). November 2000


David playing at the local poetry hop, accompanied by his mate Eric on the brass saxophone circa late 1999


David and his son Cameron Kyle Osborne, my eldest son, whom we call 'Dylan' (remember Magic Roundabout?) circa mid-2000


November 2000 - my wife, Cecile (whom we call 'Cecile' or 'Oi')
with Mo, circa mid-2000


Me and my kit (with ex-band member behind). My beloved baby grand piano, my Gibson 335 (circa 1964), my Martin D-76 and my Fender Telecaster. 


The band - this was my last band. We play kiddi-punk and juvo-rock...