Cass Cafe
- 10/17/98
What's there to say? The performance at the Cass Cafe on October 17th 1998
was great fun. It is quite probable that there has never been a better sound system in the
cafe, thanks to Chris Taylor, sound technician extraordinare, who gave unstinting of his
time and purse. The Cass cafe is not known for it's great acoustics, yet Chris managed to
pull it out of the hat. Everyone said they could hear the band clearly. Thanks Chris!
This was our second performance since we got back together, and I find it was really an
unstressful situation, as probably 60% of the people were friends of the band members.
It was also good to see Kerry Gluckman with us up on stage - he accompanied the drum
section on a couple of songs, adding his personal style to "Cadillac" and
"Mountains of things".
However enjoyable it is to see the 'Old Guard' Layabout fans, it was really wonderful to
see that the front of the stage was commandeered by sapiens under thirty who body slammed
themselves into a dance frenzy. Perhaps we're not a bunch of old farts yet!
Pictures by Laurenn Rowland |