To: Martin Piccoli
Astronomy Dept.
University of Pennsylvania
209 South 33rd St., DRL Build.
PA 19104
From: Stephen Goodfellow
146 Farrand Park
Highland Park
MI 48203
(313) 883 4827

Dear Martin, 11/02/89

I have enclosed a copy of the update on solar research in Science News for you ("Making Sunshine", 10/28/89, Vol. 136 pp.280.) Upon occasion I get something published in the letter section of Science News, specifically within the realm of stellar activity. ('Letters' 5/17/80 p.307, 8/17/85 p.107.)
You will find a paper, " Can Gravity be Induced?" enclosed; which directly relates to the field that the mentioned article addresses. You will see that the solar model I suggest is radically different from the conventionally accepted models.
I welcome the advent of advanced neutrino detection since it will eventually confirm the model suggested in this paper (see p.8).
With regards to the Science News article - your own Raymond Davis predicts a drop in the neutrino flux during the high point of the solar cycle. John N. Bahcall thinks Davis' earlier data is a freak.
I am cock sure that John N. Bahcall will be proven wrong; the result will confirm Davis' previous data. His results are indeed no fluke. (I wonder if I can I get in on that bottle of French wine bet?)

The reason the new result will be in agreement is because the Sun's interior is - read the next bit slowly - a magnetically unified plasma creating a gravity inducing Absolute vacuum through which nothing can pass. (Phew!) Solar activity occurs only in the enveloping plasma sheath around this non-space and only neutrinos from the side of the sun that faces the observer can be detected. That's why all those neutrinos are missing.
Simple, eh?
Keep up the good work and drop me a line sometime; send me any comments, papers or information you think might be of interest to me.

Yours Sincerely,

Stephen Goodfellow.

A few years later the results were in...

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