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3. Permission is granted for one usage in one publication, one edition only. Any further reproduction shall require an additional fee.

4. The Publisher must send one copy of the publication in which the article and/or illustrations to Peter Werbe (writer) and/or Stephen Goodfellow (illustrator).

5. Peter Werbe (writer) and Stephen Goodfellow (illustrator) do not give exclusive rights to any Publisher and make no warranties or representations and assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any claims against applicant or Peter Werbe (writer) and Stephen Goodfellow (illustrator) by an artist, his agent, estate or any other party in connection with the reproduction of works on this site. Additionally, the applicant agrees to indemnify Peter Werbe (writer) and Stephen Goodfellow (illustrator) and hold them harmless against any and all such claims, including copyright infringement claims, royalty or fee demands and/or actions, including the costs thereof, arising as a result of the applicant's reproduction of the works of art on this site.

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Phone: 313 883 4827

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Copyright © 1997 Peter Werbe Article Database
Last modified: February 18, 1999