We are off to the Mayan ruins at Copan.
At the bus station in San Pedro Sula, I witnessed the only really unpleasant event to
punctuate our trip. Two gringo girls were sitting in the bus, their window down to
alleviate the heat. Just as the bus pulled out, someone - a kid I guess, ran up and
snatched the baseball cap

Ruinas de Copan sunset. |
off the girl sitting closest to the window and ran off with it down the street.
OK, so it was only a baseball cap and no one was hurt, but still; theft in any guise is an
unpleasant event which the World could do without.
An hour out of San Pedro Sula the terrain changes; we are no longer surrounded by lush
jungle; much of the area is cultivation interspersed with small clusters of trees.
Whenever the bus stops we are invariably inundated by children of all ages.

Yours truly doing the serious look at the Copan
Ruins. |
The engine is drowned out by their voices as they attempt to sell you
newspapers, sandwiches, juice, green mangos, bananas and a plethora of other edibles. Most
of them elevate their wares on poles and the products dance at the level of your eyes,
like some macabre puppet show.
Upon our arrival, it seemed there were only two kinds of hotels in Ruinas de
Copan; very cheap ones and very expensive ones. Arriving hot and exhausted at our
destination, we cast about from hotel to hotel for a room.

Mike. Guide, Tunkul Bar owner strikes a Mayan pose.
Just in case I have given the impression that we were gringos surrounded by more gringos,
Mike is a Honduran citizen. |
Either by misfortune or by circumstance we are turned away from three hotels.
Exhausted and tired we agree to a room in a grotty hotel with a grumpy desk manager. After
I catch my breath I see that Laurenn is not pleased. Neither am I. If our relationship is
going to survive the day I realize we must get out of this hotel fast, so I make a foray
back onto the streets of Ruinas de Copan in search of cleaner pastures.

At Copan we attempted to strike serious poses for
the camera. A torrential downpour somehow makes us seem less than. |
The Hotel Paty was reasonable in price and quite nice. If you drove in your own
car to Copan, this is the place to lodge, as it boasts a large enclosed parking area.
Furthermore, it is one of the closest hotels to the ruins which lie about one half a mile
outside of town. It's only real downside is the laughable electric heated showerhead which
supplies a miserable trickle of water, about ten degrees below blood temperature. Give me
cold water anyday!

Looking down upon the Town of Copan. |
We were running out of time; our plane was due to take us back to the land of
milk and honey in two days and we had to make our stay at the ruins "quality
time". To that end we hired a guide called Mike who met us early next morning at the
entrance of the Copan ruins.
I will not bore the reader with the details of these Mayan ruins (which are
informative and truly interesting); suffice to say, there was a civilization here, then
there was none. As I walked around looking at the stone carved relief's depicting
sacrifice, self mutilation leader worship, I could not shake the feeling that a healthy
proportion of the population were not all that upset to see their civilization take a