Are Pressure and Gravity manifestations of the same phenomenon?

Consider the eardrum; it discerns compressional waves which it then translates into electrochemical impulses and distributes to the various centers of the brain. The same organ contains the semicircular canals. These let the organ know its x/y vector location in respect to the proximity of a large gravitational object (Such as the Earth).

If pressure and gravity were two distinct and separate forces, would we not expect to find two distinctly separate organs to discern these forces?

Milk added to a stirred cup of coffee outlines a vortex, which consists of a high pressure exterior and a low pressure center. The vortex behaves in a manner identical to that of the planets orbiting the Sun, in that both phenomena obey Kepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion (1). Objects placed closer to the center of the vortex orbit at a greater speed than objects further out from the center, in accordance with Kepler's Laws. The depression in the center of the fluid is thus a relative absence of matter producing an effect characteristic of gravity.

Gravitational attraction has always been associated with the mutual attraction of matter, yet here we see that matter is being attracted to a notable absence of matter, and that the nature of this attraction is indistinguishable from the force of gravity...

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This observation can be made on various scales of the cosm. A whirlpool of water consists of a low pressure center, and it too obeys Kepler's Second Law...



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The same is true for hurricanes; they consist of a low pressure center and a high pressure exterior...



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While there is still much speculation about the dynamics of a spiral galaxy, there can be little doubt as to what it's shape suggests.



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