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         Keeping in touch with your political officials

How long has it been since you wrote a letter to one of your political representatives?  Have you ever done it?  Most people haven't.   Even in the United States, which is one of the most outspoken electorates on earth, only three out of each ten voters say they have written letters or made phone calls to the people they elected to serve them in public offices.  This is not enough to keep them reminded that the voters are out there are watching them - day by day - between elections!

This page makes it easy for you to send a message directly to your Mayor, Congressman, Senator, Governor, or the President of the Republic, himself.

Perhaps there was a valid reason for not speaking out earlier, but no more!

The Internet and this Site gives you a quick, simple and effective way to make your voice heard wherever you choose, throughout the entire government structure.  Use this page to send a compliment, a suggestion, or a criticism, to a local, state or government official.   Remember: you helped elect them.  You help pay them.

They are working for you.  They need to be reminded of this, regularly!

                                                                          Lorenzo Dee Belveal



                 Gobierno debil o no Gobierno?

                                    Por Javier Pinel

Como muchas de las idea buenas, otras formas de proporcionar energia, siempren quedan en la nada.

He intentado una y otra vez de interesar a la ENEE en usar modernos y
eficaces molinos de viento para proporcionar energia electrica en Honduras.  No deseando ninguna implicacion con dicha empresa, les proporcione toda la informacion para que ellos llegaran a sus propias conclusiones. Nunca recibi ni siquiera las gracias de los SS. de la ENEE.

Sé que hay por lo menos 3 sitios ideales para producir energia aeolica
donde se puden producir muchos megawats. Estos sitios en el Sur, Oeste y Noreste del país. Comprendo que hay planes para instalar unos molinos de viento en Cerro de Hula.

Yo tambien les presente la idea de comprar exceso de energia producida por molinos de viento de uso privado. La ENEE en vez opto por comprar energia a establecimientos grandes que consumen productos petroleros. Co-produccion de energia es un hecho en muchos paises, donde la mentalidad es mucho mas amplia.

En Honduras el refran del zopilote "mañana construiré mi nido" parece la actitud de nuestras agencias gubernamentales.

Honduras se esta manejando muy mal. No, yo no puedo cambiar este sistema. Honduras parece un barco a la deriva. La inconpetencia de los
administradores de la ENEE es mas allá de la comprension.

Cuando la ENEE tomo posecion de El Cajon, desmantelaron las pequeñas plantas hidroelectricas, como la de Copán Ruinas. El termino vida de El Cajon era de 50 años con las medidas recomendadas por su constructor, reforestar la cuenca, proveer los labradores otra forma de modus vivendi, etc. Nada se cumplió, ahora tiene 25 años de vida y ya han pasado mas de 12 de ellos. La presa se esta llenando de tierra arrastrada por la falta de reforestacion.

Cuando se sugiere un nuevo programa, como el uso de Capstone Generators, no se le poner atencion, será por falta de mordida? Las mismas oficinas gubernamentales (DEI) acusan a las otras de su inmensa corrupcion.  Proyectos de gran utilidad son pronto archivados por su falta de enriquecimiento ilicito. Esos proyectos no seran considerados y nunca
llegaran a su desarrollo.

Honduras está muy manejada, no mejor dicho, no esta manejada, Honduras sigue los intereses de las familias pudientes. Callejas, si es que estaba involucrado en la venta de pasaportes, nunca se le puede probar nada y en realidad, tener poder en Honduras en tener dinero.  Los Hondureños deciamos, "Mexico sería un gran país, sin los Mexicanos", bueno, pongamos la barba en remojo.

Volvamos a la dictadura de Carias o a la mano fuerte de Alvarez Martinez.  Esas opciones son mejores que las que ahora tenemos. Callejas, Reina, Flores, senores de la misma talla.

Derechos humanos, fiscalia, etc, solo sirven para encontrar culpables, lo
cuales no reciben los castigos merecidos. Volvamos a la pena de muerte para escarmentar a los picaros, incluyendo los corruptos. Hay que aprender de Singapore, donde el látigo y la pena de muerte van de mano a mano.

Si no les parece mi punto de vista, solo lean John Stuart Mill y Thomas
Hobbes y veran Uds. que mi punto de vista no es nuevo o grosero. Solo los paises mas avanzados se pueden dar el lujo de la democracia.

                      ____________E N D ________________



By: Javier Pinel

It has been three months since El Presidente took over the reins of Honduras government.I have been noticing a certain discontent in the press, in television and in the populace in general and it worries me.

First, because the general feeling is that we changed presidents but have not changed political needs. There seems to be despondency of voters as they see no change in their elected officials. May Day came and went, and the most worrisome part of that public demonstration was that many union members were wearing Che Guevara T shirts, and some were openly suggesting that Fidel Castro should be ruling Honduras.

So many people are aware of the social advances that Cuba has been able to establish in their nation, even with great difficulties that Honduras does not have.,    ( i.e. embargoes, and lack of export markets.)

Labor leaders are talking about the richer becoming richer and the poor, poorer. This is not a good indication. Sales tax just jumped from 7 to 12 per cent and income tax was lowered from 40 to 30 per cent. The poor do not pay income tax, the well to do benefit. The president's cousin the president of the Private Industry Council.

Hondurans are not able to live a decent life with such poor wages and high prices. I bought foam panels for insulation two years ago at 85.00 lempiras. The same panels now cost 177.00 lempiras. Meat has gone from 14.00 lempiras a pound, to over 25.00 in just one year.

Milk adulterated with water is sold at 6.50 a liter. Can you imagine milk that is almost the color of whey being sold in the stores for human consumption. "Watered" milk starves our children. It is far better to buy powdered milk, which allows one to control the quality. Actually it is the role of the government to control food quality, but it does not.

. When I went to pick up the foam, a young man was there, buying a couple of pounds of the stuff for this florist business. I offered him a ride and asked him about his business. He goes from fair to fair selling artificial flower arrangements (tacky, tacky).

But the worst part of it is that a group of merchants hire a bus to go to Mexico City shopping. They then hire a container to bring their merchandize to the Guatemalan border. The Guatemalans charge them a fee, no papers, just to cross the border into Honduras.

They cross over after 11pm and pay up to 5000.00 lempiras to the border guards to come in to the country tax free. The kind of corruption is pervasive and wholesale.

Would it not be a good move to have a "mano duro" organize Honduras. Hopefully he would not make the same mistakes Fidel made in Cuba. The point is that the labor unions are asking for a Che Guevara or a Fidel Castro. We know what that represents.

When El President made his speech increasing the sales tax, he indicated that growth was at some 4.- plus-percent per year. NOTHING was said about population control. Anyone with any economic understanding at all knows that if we control population we shall increase the standard of living.

El Presidente will not touch this subject. It is a sacred cow. But why?

If I were in his place, I would start deportation proceedings against all missionaries, not natives of Honduras, representing any denomination, starting with the catholic church. Remember what Mexico did in their revolution? Their first step was to bring the church under the authority of the government. It has worked well in Mexico. Such a move will serve the best interests of Honduras.

I would like to see a peaceful and prosperous Honduras. This morning a TV commentator compared Hondurans to a bunch of crabs inside a bucket. If one of the crabs wants to get out , the others grab him and pull him back down. This action maintains the status quo.

Let's empty the bucket and let the crabs find a new destiny.

The one we have is not working.

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