| Top | History | Getting Started | Yellow | Washing Yellow | Red, Blue |
In terms of color, Primary Micropointillism is so akin to what the Pointillists of the past century were trying to achieve, that I am sure they would approve of their offspring. Consider this; the light-receiving cones in the back of your eye merely take in the three radiative primary colors. All
secondary colors are mixed
in the brain.
Does it not seem reasonable we should be able to consciously reverse the
Previously, coloring with paint has been a process of directly applying the
pigment with one tool or another; this method demands that the user think
subtractively in that the artist reduces the light output from the white
surface by adding pigment.
In order to understand the foundation of Primary Micropointillism, I want you to think of a canvas made completely black by layers of yellow, red and Blue. You now approach the surface, and with your paintbrush you remove layers of primary color, thereby revealing the underlying colors. It would be accurate to say that painting within the this medium is the art of painting with light.
The time it takes to paint a picture within the parameters of the
Micropoint technique is comparable to that of a conventional painting; once
you have mastered the simple discipline of understanding primary color you
can work at an astounding pace. As an example of this, I executed a 'wet
block' Micropoint image - 5 X 7ft - in eight working hours.
On the other end of the scale you can spend several weeks executing a
Micropoint image; it all depends on the habit and preference of the artist.
Learning Micropointillism is not unlike riding a bicycle; one feels awkward
and unused to sitting on the seat and the pedals feel unfamiliar underfoot.
But once one pushes away and the cycle is rolling, the instinctive sense of
balance and equilibrium sets in; thus, a rider maintains balance without
conscious thought or effort.
The same is true when using Micropointillism; the awkwardness lies in the
unfamiliarity of latent senses which, once mastered, releases the mind and
allows for an unconscious flow of color which is both instinctive and
satisfying to the artist.
Micropointillism uses only three color pigments; yellow, red and blue. In
using these three colors, the artist can achieve the entire spectrum of
color including all secondary colors.
Primary Micropointillism achieves color so brilliant that, side by side,
paintings executed in conventional painting mediums pale in comparison.
Added to this, Primary Micropointillism is inexpensive. One can create a
full color image covering an area 8 X 6ft with 6Fl.Oz.(comparable to three
small tubes) of paint. Water is the only solvent you need.
Primary Micropointillism is safe. The medium is waterbased and relatively
free of dangerous chemicals. Imagery is achieved by a process of blocking the surface in stages and spattering paint in successive layers.
Between each of the colors the image is washed with water, thereby removing
the water-soluble block and whatever excess paint which remains upon the
block. The end result is a gradation of spatters in each of the three
colors ranging from a scarcity to an excess of spatters.
The overlapping of three successive colors (yellow, red and blue) brings
forth the illusion of secondary colors - such as browns, greens and