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Part 2: Applying the Yellow Layer
Place canvases on a flat surface. Wet block will run if you hold the canvas vertical.
If this is your first time, please remember that what you will be working on are experiments and not meant to be masterpieces, so let down your hair and try not to get too serious.
Apply screen block to the surface of the canvas; avoid covering the surface with too much block on this first coat, because you will later want to block further areas of the canvas. I suggest no more than 10 percent How you apply the block is entirely up to you; however, I would recommend that you try experimenting with your brush strokes as much as possible so that you have a greater variety of paint strokes to study upon completion. The thicker the layer of block, the better it will resist the paint.
Also, try playing around with the glue sticks on the surface - but again, don't apply too much glue on the first round.
Finished? Good! Let's get on with the paint spraying. We don't have to wait for anything to dry, because the block acts as a chemical barrier which will break down any sprayed paint before it penetrates through to the canvas.

Blocking & spraying paint; yellow:
Place your atomizer into the yellow jar of paint. Before applying your first spray on the canvas, familiarize yourself with your atomizer by trying a few tentative practice runs over a sheet of newspaper. This will help you control the flow of paint and you will spray with more confidence when you are ready to apply it to the canvas.
Also, when using the atomizer, remember that the spattered paint not only covers the canvas, but also a liberal amount of the surrounding area - so don't forget to put down some newspaper.

This is how it works: take a deep breath and position your atomizer so that the sprayed paint will impact to the side of the canvas. When the spray begins, move the atomizer across the surface of the canvas in an even and steady motion. Cover the canvas with a light coat of paint. DON'T get carried away! The idea is to apply the faintest film of yellow spatters; you do NOT want to saturate the canvas with paint, so use restraint.

Give the paint about five minutes to dry, or dry it with a hair dryer. Remember that you do not have to wait for the block to dry; only the paint. Now apply more block in areas which are not already blocked - again, don't go overboard, leave lots of areas open; you are going to be blocking and spraying several more times, and you don't want to run out of areas to block. I suggest another 20% on the 2nd block.
Again, spray a light coat of yellow over the painting. Not too much! The more coats of paint and block you can achieve, the greater will be the palette of colors.
Remember the danger of "Burn-out". As I previously stated, Burn-out can occur if the surface is saturated with paint. This can happen if the sprayed paint is passed repeatedly over an area without the paint being given a chance to dry.
The moisture of atomized paint saturates and dissolves the block enough to penetrate and adhere to the canvas. This results in undesirable paint blotches which remain on the image after you have splashed down the canvas. Atomize the canvas with yellow again. Block. Spray. Wait five minutes. You can see that it is advantageous to work on several paintings at once, because you do not want to waste time in waiting for the paint to dry. Block. Spray. Remember that at no time may the canvas be soaked in paint. If you want to make the canvas more intense with color, let the paint dry and spray it again.
Do not saturate!
Wait five minutes or use hair dryer. When you have reached the point when you are spraying yellow on yellow, you have finished working in this color. In my experience, four to seven sessions of spraying and blocking will suffice.
If the sun is shining, let the pictures bake in the sun for about a quarter of an hour. If this is not possible, use a hair dryer. Make sure the paint on the canvas is thoroughly dry. The reason for the care taken in drying, is because you are about to wash your picture with water, and if the paint is not absolutely dry you are in danger of washing off the paint.


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